The Financial Industry Business Unified Model (FIBUM) is an umbrella of FIBO data model migrations.

The image shows the icons for the FIBO and other data modeling tools.
The FIBO in other data modeling tools.

Global Banks and Investment Managers created the Financial Industry Business Ontology, FIBO, as an open-source industry standard for concepts, their relationships, and definitions. We used CODT, our patented (US12038939) Configurable Ontology to Data Model Transformation, to create the Financial Industry Business Data Model, FIB-DM.

Ontologist and Object Modeler unite.

FIB-DM is the bridge from semantic technologies to relational data management.

Over Three Thousand Five Hundred users have downloaded the Open-Source version of the FIBO Data Model already!

CODT creates an SAP PowerDesigner Conceptual Data Model (CDM). SAP is the market leader, and PowerDesigner is the most comprehensive tool for enterprise data architects.

However, many Financial Institutions use other data modeling tools, such as ERWin, Sparx EA, Visual Paradigm, ER/Studio, and IBM Infosphere DA.

Hence, the most frequently asked user question is, “How can I open FIB-DM in my data modeling tool?” – a data model migration challenge.

Unfortunately, I only have PowerDesigner and can’t advise you on your migration. Jayzed Data Models Inc., the FIB-DM copyright holder, has no plans to offer the model in other formats. Third parties are welcome to publish their FIB-DM migrations Open Source and add a showcase of their capabilities here.

This website showcases successful FIB-DM migrations to ERWin Data Modeler, Sparx Enterprise Architect, and IDERA’s ER/Studio.

FIBUM -the FIBO in Unified Modeling Language

The Semantic Model Driven Architecture (SMDA) places an Ontology Web Language (OWL) Business Conceptual Enterprise model at the apex.

FIB-UM Semantic Model Driven Architecture
FIB-UM Semantic Model Driven Architecture

Ontology-derived Logical Models specify design and detail for departmental and project requirements. The Unified model ensures common names, definitions, and design patterns across the enterprise.